
We Don't Cut Corners, We Pour Them.

We Don’t Just Pour Concrete. We Custom Tailor to Your Metal Building.

Here at WolfSteel, we consistently work with local engineers throughout Texas. We use our expertise and experience to design & build foundations that will stand the test of time especially in Texas. Texas has a BIG problem and that is unstable clay soils. This has presented a big headache for Texas foundation engineers. From different rebar types, concrete PSI, slab thickness, and footing design and depths. We tailor our foundations based on your usage and type of metal building. Tubular Buildings and Red Iron Buildings require different types of foundations.

Concrete services offered in select areas and only for our metal building with concrete projects.

Quality is in the Details

What makes WolfSteel concrete unique is our unique approach to custom tailored concrete details. The #1 problem in the industry is concrete is not made to fit the metal building specifications which leads to leaks under panels, garage doors, and lean-tos. A door notch detail for a tubular building is not the same for red iron building. The reason is little to no attention is placed on how the metal building will be constructed. As a design & build company, we design the foundation to fit the metal building making our concrete foundation notch detailing effective.

Concrete For Texas Metal Buildings

More than Just Foundations

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