Are Tubular Metal Buildings Strong?


Tubular Metal Building Framing | WolfSteel Buildings

Many potential clients have questioned if tubular metal buildings are strong. The word strong is very vague so in this article we will answer the question with understanding of how the process works. The opinion can come from comparison to another type of construction or they have seen a tubular metal building fail. Let’s dive into a further understanding of Tubular Metal Buildings.

Tubular Metal Buildings are Pre-Engineered

The main thing to understand is that in general tubular buildings are pre-engineered. A professional engineer is backing the construction of the Tubular Metal Buildings. The industry has access to generic plans and specific plans.
The generic plans allow builders the flexibility to select different options such as roof styles, panel orientation, door placements, snow loads, and wind loads depending on the location.
The specific plans are custom made specifically for each specific project. Specific plans engineers specifically engineer the metal building specifically for the client and client’s address. Unfortunately, in Texas, not every company has generic plans available and not every client purchases specific engineer plans for their project.

It is Not Engineered Unless It Is Inspected

A foundation engineer once told me, “ It is not engineered unless it is inspected by a third party.” Engineers will specify the construction and materials for the project. That doesn’t mean that the contractor/builder is following it to the “T”. This happens in all types of construction, not just tubular buildings.
The unique situation we have in Texas is that 90% of Tubular Metal Buildings don’t need permits. With no permits, there is no regulation and control over construction. It does feel like the wild west. This leaves the client to trust the builder. 

I worked in Michigan for 5 years. Every project needed a permit and an inspection from a third party whether that was the building department or third party agency. This system maintains high integrity and protects Michigan consumers. We are seeing a rise in permit requirements in Texas. Learn more on permitting in Texas here

Tubular Metal Buildings are Light Frame Construction

Tubular metal buildings typically use light materials similar to home construction. The squared tubes used can resemble the 2x4s and 2x6s used in home construction. The plywood is the shear wall just like sheet metal is to a tubular metal building. When you compare it to other construction such as red iron metal buildings that use I beams and heavier materials, it can be justified that the materials used for red iron metal buildings construction are stronger but that doesn’t mean that the tubular metal buildings are not strong. As long as the building is constructed correctly according to generic plans or specific plans, the tubular metal building will resist any wind and snow rating that it was designed or engineered for.

So are Tubular Buildings strong?

Overall, a tubular metal building can be built to the strength a client needs or wants. In Texas, we recommend a client to purchase specific engineer plans for their project and hire a third party to inspect the tubular metal building according to plans before paying the contractor/builder. The most important items to inspect are but not limited to:

– Spacing of trussing
– Spacing of purlins
– Gauge / thickness of material
– Anchor size, type, and quantity
– Wind load / snow load capacity
– Pre-pour concrete inspection

This will ensure that their project is safe, it is built to the strength they need, and provide peace of mind.

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